"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2023, #2, 34-40 pages
3D technology of growing single-crystal ingots in the form of hollow tungsten cylinders
Yu.O. Nykytenko, V.O. Shapovalov, V.V. Yakusha, O.M. Gnizdylo, O.V. Karuskevych
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
The paper presents the results of further development of the technology of growing superlarge single-crystals of refractory
metals, developed at PWI of the NAS of Ukraine. Proceeding from the optimized technology and acquired
experience, new generation equipment was manufactured, which allows growing single-crystals of refractory alloys
in the form of the body of revolution. Experiments were performed on growing tungsten single-crystals in the form
of a hollow cylinder, which can be used to manufacture such a product as a crucible. Technological parameters and
energy modes were established, which allowed controlling the thickness of the wall being deposited. An ingot with the
deposited wall height of 68 mm, thickness of 20…22 mm and outer diameter of 85 mm was grown as a result of the
experiments. 9 Ref., 1 Table, 9 Figures.
Keywords: tungsten, single-crystal growing, hollow body of revolution, crucible, plasma-induction zone melting
Received 01.03.2023
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