2023 №02 (05) DOI of Article
2023 №02 (07)

Electrometallurgy Today 2023 #02
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2023, #2, 41-45 pages

Investigations of the structural features of a high-temperature nickel alloy for gas turbine engine blades

Yu.G. Kvasnitska1, G.P. Myalnitsa2, K.G. Kvasnytska1, I.I. Maksyuta1, V.O. Noga1

1PTIMA of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine. 34/1 Acad. Vernadskyi Ave., 03142, Kyiv. E-mail: jul.kvasnitskaja@gmail.com
2SC SPCG «Zorya»-«Mashproekt». 42-A Bohoyavlenskyi Ave., 54018, Mykolayiv. E-mail: mialniza@gmail.com

In order to improve the environmental safety of the process of producing castings of cooled turbine blades of a 25 MW power gas turbine engine, investigations were conducted to determine the infl uence of the new technology on structure formation and to ensure the required chemical and phase composition of the products. Blade castings were produced from high-temperature corrosion-resistant CM88Y alloy in vacuum-induction furnace UPPF3-M by investment casting. For environmental safety it was proposed to use an autoclave to remove the ceramic rod from the ingot inner cavity. The ceramic rods were produced by solid-phase sintering using Al2O3-based mixture. Such a technology of producing blade castings with inner channels allowed reducing by two orders of magnitude the time of such an important operation as rod removal. The macro- and microstructure of transverse metal samples cut out from the airfoil and tail parts of fi ve blades was studied. Their analysis after heat treatment showed that the size of carbides in the airfoil part is 10…30 μm, in the tail part it is 20…50 μm. Homogeneous precipitation of the strengthening γ′-phase and dissolution of a considerable portion of (γ-γ′)-eutectic was observed. Precipitates of γ′-phase are of a cubic form and are grouped in clusters. It is found that the macro-and microstructure of blades produced by the improved technology meets the requirements of the current standards. 15 Ref., 3 Tables, 3 Figures.
Keywords: high-temperature corrosion-resistant alloy; turbine blade; gas-turbine engine, macro- and microstructure, CM88Y alloy

Received 20.02.2023


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