"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2024, #1, 32-39 pages
Application of graphitized cored electrodes in 50 ton steel melting ac arc furnace of DSV-50 type
O.G. Bogachenko1, A.V. Chernyakov1, I.O. Goncharov1, S.G. Kiiko2, I.M. Logozinskyi2, B.A. Levin2, A.G. Fedkov2, K.M. Gorban2
1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2PJSC «Dniprospetsstal». 81 Pivdenne Highway Str., 69000, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. E-mail: info@dss.com.ua
Experimental melts were conducted in 50 ton three-phase AC furnace of DSV-50 type, using graphitized cored electrodes.
Low-alloy, high-strength alloy and tool steels of twelve grades were produced. Cores of four compositions were
tested (F18, F22, F23 and F27). Melts were conducted in a continuous «melt on melt» mode. It is shown that application of
cored electrodes ensured: lowering of specific consumption of graphitized electrodes by 16.1…31.4 %; active power
savings by 16.5 %, on average; increase of furnace productivity by 18…27 %; lowering of nitrogen content in steel
by 20 %, on average; lowering of alloying element loss (Cr, Ni, V, Mo, etc.) by 8.3…14.7 %; lowering of total loss of
charge by 3.5…9.6 %. It is shown that compared to technical-economic characteristics, obtained for DS-6N1 furnace,
increase of furnace capacity from 6 to 50 tons did not lower the effectiveness of cored electrode application in AC
arc furnaces, i.e. cored graphitized electrodes can be successfully used in arc furnaces of unlimited capacity. 19 Ref.,
5 Tabl., 3 Fig.
Keywords: cored electrodes, arc furnaces, electric arc, elongated arcs, power saving
Received: 11.07.2023
Received in revised form: 10.10.2023
Accepted: 05.02.2024
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