"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2024, #2, 53-57 pages
Investigations of physico-mechanical properties of refined copper as a material for CCM mould walls
O.M. Smirnov, A.V. Narivskyi, V.Ye. Ukhin, V.O. Tunyk
Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the NAS of Ukraine.
34 Acad. Vernatskyi Blvd, 03142, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: vladimir.tunik@gmail.com
Comprehensive analysis of physical-mechanical properties of plates made from fire-refined copper was performed, and
the possibility of their application as the structural material for the mould working walls was substantiated. It is shown
that fire-refined copper is a promising structural material, and it can be regarded as initial material at manufacture of
plates for the working walls of rectangular moulds used at continuous casting of metals. When the mould working
walls are made from refined copper, the heat removal intensity stays at practically the same level, as for cathode copper.
Investigations showed that in the refined copper the temperature of the start of recrystallization is approximately 45 °C
higher than that of the cathode copper, which should be associated with a certain quantity of silver, nickel and tin in its
composition, which are present in the melt as accompanying elements. The main strength and ductility values of refined
copper are at approximately the same level, as those of the cathode copper. 14 Ref., 2 Tabl., 4 Fig.
Keywords: copper, secondary materials, fire refining, admixtures, electric conductivity, heat conductivity, mechanical
properties, oxidation, heat removal, mould
Received: 05.05.2024
Received in revised form: 10.05.2024
Accepted: 27.05.2024
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