2015 №04 (05) DOI of Article
2015 №04 (07)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #04
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #3/4, 49-52 pages  

Contribution of professor Evgeny O. Paton to the development of welding materials science and production of high-quality steel

A.P. Lyuty

Electrometallurgical Works «Dneprospetsstal». 81 Yuzhnoe Shosse, 69008, Zaporozhie, Ukraine. E-mail:
The activity of Professor Evgeny O. Paton is analyzed in investigations of metallurgical processes of submerged arc welding, development of welding consumables and improvement of quality of welded joints. The results of these works were used in development of electroslag technologies. 37 Ref.
Keywords: welding production, metallurgy, special electrometallurgy, Institute of Electric Welding, welding consumables, history of technology
Received:               03.03.15
Published:               21.05.15
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32. Podgaetsky, V.V. (1984) Fluxes for welding and special electrometallurgy. In: Welding and special electrometallurgy, 188-200. Kiev: Naukova Dumka.
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Suggested Citation

A.P. Lyuty (2015) Contribution of professor Evgeny O. Paton to the development of welding materials science and production of high-quality steel. The Paton Welding J., 04, 49-52.