?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №04

2015 №04 (06) DOI of Article
2015 №04 (08)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #04
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #3/4, 53-56 pages  

Manufacture of long-length semi-products from sintered titanium alloys using friction welding

A.E. Kapustyan

Zaporozhie National Technical University MESU. 64 Zhukovsky Str., 69063, Zaporozhie, Ukraine. E-mail:glotka87@ukr.net
Aim of the present stady lies in determination of possibility of application of conventional friction welding for production of quality joints from sintered titanium alloy in manufacture of long-length semi-products. Commercial titanium powder of PT5 grade of Ukrainian manufacture was used as initial material. Billets for rod production were received by powder metallurgy methods and their chemical composition corresponded to commercial purity of VT1-0 grade titanium. Shaping of billets of 12 mm diameter and 100 mm length was carried out by pressing. Long-length semi-products were manufactured using friction welding on MF-362 machine. Welding was performed without additional shielding. Weldability of the specimens was evaluated visually, by means of metallographic investigations and mechanical tests. Analysis of macrostructure of welded joints allowed determining absence of defects of metallurgical nature in the weld and thermal-mechanical-affected zone (TMAZ). Average size of pores in TMAZ and weld was smaller then in the base metal, effect of partial and complete «healing» of pores also took place. Micro-X-ray-spectral quality analysis of weld structure showed uniform distribution of main impurity elements. Mechanical tests of examined welded specimens allowed determining that their strength and ductile characteristics are comparable with that of VT1-0 cast titanium. Possibility of realizing the production of semi-products from sintered titanium alloys in production scales was shown. 5 Ref., 2 Tables, 6 Figures.
Keywords: titanium, powder metallurgy, pressing, sintering, friction welding, semi-product, rod, strength, structure
Received:               15.12.14
Published:               21.05.15
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Suggested Citation

A.E. Kapustyan (2015) Manufacture of long-length semi-products from sintered titanium alloys using friction welding. The Paton Welding J., 04, 53-56.