2015 №06 (21) DOI of Article
2015 №06 (23)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 96-100 pages  

Structure and properties of railway wheel surface after restoration surfacing and service loading

L.I. Markashova, V.D. Poznyakov, A.A. Gajvoronsky, E.N. Berdnikova And T.A. Alekseenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
Presented are the investigations of effect of composition of surfacing consumables on structure and phase composition of deposited metal of surfacing zones (surface, fusion line, HAZ) in restoration of railway wheels from grade 2 steel. Information received at different structural layers (from grain to dislocation) was used for analytical estimations of effect of parameters of forming structures on mechanical properties (s0.2, K1c) of railway wheels, reconstructed by surfacing, before and after operation. Role of structural factors in change of level of local internal stresses, i.e. sources of crack formation in subsurface layers of deposited metal, was investigated. It is determined that surfacing consumables of bainite and bainite-martensite classes provide for high indices of mechanical properties and crack resistance of railway wheels after restoration repair and operation. 9 Ref., 1 Table, 5 Figures.
Keywords: surfacing, railway wheels, deposited metal, heat-affected zone, structure, phase composition, mechanical properties, crack resistance
Received:                01.04.15
Published:               28.07.15
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9. Markashova, L.I., Poznyakov, V.D., Berdnikova, E.N. et al. (2014) Effect of structural factors on mechanical properties and crack resistance of welded joints of metals, alloys and composite materials. Ibid., 6/7, 22-28.

Suggested Citation

L.I. Markashova, V.D. Poznyakov, A.A. Gajvoronsky, E.N. Berdnikova And T.A. Alekseenko (2015) Structure and properties of railway wheel surface after restoration surfacing and service loading. The Paton Welding J., 06, 96-100.