2016 №07 (06) DOI of Article
2016 №07 (08)

Automatic Welding 2016 #07
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #7, 2016, pp. 41-45

Modeling and calculation of welded stiffeners in fabrication of large-sized items for metallurgical production

A.V. Loza, V.V. Chigarev And A.N. Serenko

Priazovsky State Technical University, 7 Respublika Lane, 87500, Mariupol, Ukraine. E-mail: loza_a_v@pstu.edu
The main causes for formation of cracks and local sagging in cast large-sized case structures used in metallurgy are considered. Modeling of stress-strain state of the most loaded zones of slag carrier bowls in operation was performed. It is shown that to reduce residual deformations of cast bowls, it is necessary to apply additional stiffeners in the form of welded-on ribs. Calculation was used to determine the required parameters of stiffeners and welds. 7 Ref., 8 Figures.
Keywords: cast items, thermal loads, slag carrier bowl, deformation, stiffeners
Received:                29.01.16
Published:               02.08.16
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