2018 №09 (06) DOI of Article
2018 №09 (08)

Automatic Welding 2018 #09
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #9, 2018, pp. 41-47

Control of the process of base metal penetration at end face electroslag surfacing in current-supplying mould

V.G. Solovyev, Yu.M. Kuskov

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., Kyiv, 03150. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

In the absence of discrete filler of a certain chemical composition, there appears the task of performing end face electroslag surfacing with large-section electrodes. Here, one of the main surfacing quality characteristics is achieving minimum and uniform penetration of the base metal. Main principles of construction of the system of automatic regulation of these parameters at end face electroslag surfacing in a current-supplying mould were developed. Schemes of control of current distribution in the current-supplying mould are proposed, which allow regulation of the process of electrode melting, and, thus, indirect control of the quality of base metal penetration. A particular scheme should be used to produce a sound bimetal joint with provision of regulation of the position of remelted electrode end face in the slag pool relative to the current-conducting section of the mould and maintaining the calculated heat level of the slag pool. 9 Ref., 7 Fig.
Keywords: automation, regulation, penetration, end face electroslag surfacing current-supplying mould, electrode, conductivity

Received: 15.03.2018
Published: 20.09.2018

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