Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #11-12, 2018, с. 126-133
Some technological peculiarities of performance of assembly-welding works in construction of isothermal tanks
M. Beloyev1, N. Lolov2
1KZU Holding Group 1,2 Khisto Vakarelski, 1700, Sofia, Bulgaria
2Technical University 8 Kliment Ohridski St., 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: marin.beloev@kzu-group.com
The paper deals with the main technological features which should be taken into account during design, manufacturing and mounting of tanks from 9 % Ni steel for liquefied natural gas storage. They include preparation for welding, selection of welding processes and materials, modular assembly of the tank in site, application of ultrasonic peening of welded joints for stress relieving. 8 Ref., 6 Tabl., 5 Fig.
Keywords: arc welding, isothermal tanks, steel with 9 % Ni, design, fabrication, mounting, modular assembly, ultrasonic peening
Received: 09.07.2018
Published: 06.11.2018
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