2017 №01 (10) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (12)

Automatic Welding 2017 #01
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #1, 2017, pp. 68-72

Adhesion-active high-temperature wear-resistant surfacing consumables KMKh and KMKhS

A.M. Kostin1, V.A. Martynenko1, A.B. Maly2 and V.V. Kvasnitsky3

1Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding 9 Geroev Stalingrada Ave., 54025, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. E-mail:university@nuos.edu.ua
2SE GTSPC «Zorya-Mashproekt» 42-a Bogoyavlensky Ave., 54018, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. E-mail:office@zorya.com.ua
3NTUU «Igor Sikorsky KPI» 37 Pobedy Ave., 03056, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:kvas69@ukr.net
Adhesion-active high-temperature wear-resistant composite surfacing consumables KMKh and KMKhS were developed. They provide for significant increase of wear resistance of contact surfaces of parts of hot gas path in gas turbine engines. It is determined that additional introduction of chromium carbide in alloy based on solid solution of cobalt, alloyed by molybdenum, chromium, boron and silicon, promotes for stabilization of its structure and properties with simultaneous decrease of melting temperature of composition. Boron and silicon provide for increase of adhesion alloy activity in deposition on contact surfaces and form uniformly distributed thermodynamically stable high-dispersion complex silicides and borides. Wear resistance tests show that average value of wear intensity of working surfaces, deposited with new KMKh and KMKhS consumables, are 3–4 times lower under conditions of operation in oxidizing medium at critical temperatures, than the surfaces deposited with known commercial alloys. High characteristics of wear resistance and possibility of work under critical temperatures allowed recommending developed composite consumables and technology of their surfacing to commercial application. 10 Ref., 3 Tables, 1 Figure.
Keywords: surfacing, adhesion-active wear-resistant composite consumables, high-temperature alloys, structure, phase composition, wear intensity
Received:                16.02.17
Published:               09.12.16
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