2018 №08 (08) DOI of Article
2018 №08 (02)

Automatic Welding 2018 #08
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #8, 2018, pp. 3-7

Possibilities of nanomodification of dendrite structure of weld metal

V. V. Golovko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:office@paton.kiev.ua
Possibility of application of refractory disperses compounds for nanomodification of weld metal was shown. The results of calculation of the optimum size of modifier particles for weld pool conditions are given. Effect of the refractory particles on the parameters of weld metal primary structure was determined. Increase of dendrite size, noted as a result of addition into a weld pool of titanium carbide and zirconium oxide compounds, is accompanied by change of relationship between content of upper and lower bainite preserving fraction of martensite and xenomorphic ferrite. Indices of ductility as well as toughness of weld metal increase as a result. 14 Ref. , 4 Tabl. , 3 Fig.
Keywords: fusion welding; weld metal modification, nanodisperse particles, particle size, dendrite size, microstructure, mechanical properties
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Received: 05.07.2018
Published: 19.07.2018.