"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #12, 2021, pp. 33-37
Stability of the process of electroslag welding with bifilar power circuit without equalizing wire
Yu.M. Lankin, V.G. Solovyov, V.G. Tyukalov, I.Yu. Romanova
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Electroslag welding (ESW) by wire electrodes with bifi lar circuit of power connection without equalizing wire is not applied now.
There is reason to believe that bifi lar ESW without the equalizing wire has certain advantages over bifi lar electroslag remelting
(ESR) without equalizing wire. Therefore, additional studies of the process of bifi lar ESW without equalizing wire are required.
Investigations were performed and the range of parameters of a stable process of ESW with a bifi lar power circuit without an
equalizing wire was determined, using a mathematical experiment. The causes for process unbalance can be temporary violation
of the feed rate of one of the electrodes, local change of electrode cross-section, asymmetrical arrangement of the electrodes in
the slag pool, etc. The notion of «resistance to external impact» (REI) was introduced. It was proposed to use as the measure
of resistance, the maximum value of REI parameter, above which the process goes into an unstable mode. REI nomogram was
obtained, depending on welding voltage and electrode feed rate, which allows selection of the mode of bifi lar ESW with the
highest resistance to external disturbances. A mathematical model was used to show that the process of bifi lar ESW without an
equalizing wire can run in a stable manner in a certain zone of values of the technological mode parameters. 4 Ref., 1 Tabl., 5 Fig.
Keywords: electroslag welding, bifi lar scheme, slag pool, metal pool, electric conductivity
Received: 13.10.2021
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2. Lankin, Yu.M., Soloviov, V.G., Tyukalov, V.G., Romanova, I.Yu. (2021) Comparison of electroslag welding processes at power connection with two-electrode conventional and bifilar diagram. The Paton Welding J., 11, 40-43.
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4. (1989) Grades of steels and alloys. Ed. by V.G. Sorokin.
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