"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #1, 2022, pp. 14-17
Magnetic pulse welding of copper rings with steel parts with the use of single-turn inductor
M. Poleschuk1, I. Matveev1, V. Bovkun1, J. Selech2, A. Tunik1, O. Cherkashin1, L. Kisterska3, K. Siekierski4
1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2Poznan University of Technology. 60-965, 5 M. Skłodowska-Curie Square, Poznan, Poland
3Ukrainian-American JV «Marketing of Superhard Materials». 04074, 2, Avtozavodskaya Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
4NxTechnologies. 60-125, ul. Bosa, 4/6-24, Poznań, Poland
Magnetic pulse welding is an innovative joining method that allows combining dissimilar metals. The article discusses
weldability of copper rings with steel rods in order to study the possibility of using single-turn inductor. All specimens were
welded with a discharge energy of 18 kJ. Significant deformations of copper rings were observed. Metallographic examination
of welds revealed no defects. High-quality joining of metals in the welding zone with a characteristic wavy boundary interface
was noted. However, to obtain more information on the exact mechanisms of weld formation, it is recommended to carry out
numerical modeling of the process. 11 Ref., 8 Fig., 2 Tabl.
Keywords: magnetic pulse welding, cold welding, solid state welding, copper, steel, rings, microstructure, microhardness
Received: 9.10.2021
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