
2024 №05 (04) DOI of Article
2024 №05 (06)

Automatic Welding 2024 #05
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #5, 2024, pp. 40-47

Features of the structure of coatings of tungsten and chromium carbides during detonation-gas spraying with energy accumulation in a multi-chamber device

Ke Liming, P.D. Stukhliak, V. M. Mudrichenko

Scientific-Research Institute of Welding Technologies named after E.O.Paton in Zhenjiang Province. 233 Yonghui Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. E-mail: stukhlyakpetro@gmail.com

This paper presents the results of studies of the structure of coatings obtained from powders based on chromium (75Cr3C2 +25NiCr) (wt. %) and tungsten carbides (WC+12Co) (wt. %) by detonation-gas spraying with energy accumulation in multichamber devices. It has been established that this technology provides high-density coatings with a thickness of 200...500 μm with a porosity of less than 1 % and microhardness HV0.5 = 1235 ± 80 (WC + 12Co) (wt. %) and 1547 ± 150 (75Cr3C2 + 25NiCr) (wt. %). A characteristic feature of these coatings is the formation of a substructure of the size of 1...8 microns and of carbide-type hardening phases with dimensions of 100...800 nm, which are evenly distributed in the volume of the coating material. It was established that a high level of structural strengthening of these coatings is provided by formation of a material with a dispersed subgranular structure with a uniform distribution of particles of strengthening phases in it. 27 Ref., 4 Tabl., 7 Fig.
Keywords: protective coatings, multi-chamber shot blasting, microstructure, microhardness, substructure, structural hardening

Received: 21.06.2024
Received in revised form: 27.08.2024
Accepted: 08.10.2024


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