Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2017, #1, 9-14 pages
Structure and properties of high-strength titanium alloy Ti-10-2-3 of electroslag remelting
Protokovilov I.V., Petrov D.A.
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU.
11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Results of investigations of chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties of high-strength titanium
alloy Ti-10-2-3 in as-cast state and after thermomechanical treatment are given. Ingots were produced by remelting of
consumable electrodes in a chamber-type electroslag furnace using the electromagnetic effect on the metallurgical pool.
The cast metal was subjected to the thermal deformational treatment with a subsequent hardening and ageing. Analysis
of metal structure did not reveal internal macro-and microdefects. Grain size of cast metal was on average 1…6,
while that of deformed and heat-treated ones was 0.2…0.5 mm. In cast state the alloy strength was 936…1012 MPa
at ductility of 1.7…12.5 %, while in heat-treated state it was 1190…1210 MPA and 11.7…14.9 %, respectively. The
investigations of fracture surface of specimens after tensile tests revealed the dominating nature of a tough fracture. It
is shown that as to the structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties the titanium alloy Ti-10-2-3 of the
electroslag remelting meets the technical specifications for the given material. Ref. 6, Tables 2, Figures 8.
electroslag remelting; electromagnetic effect; titanium alloy Ti-10-2-3; ingot; thermomechanical
treatment; structure; mechanical properties
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