Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2017, #1, 29-34 pages
Surface oxidation of molten metal in the process of dispersing in IMSM
Kalashnik D.A., Shapovalov V.A., Nikitenko Yu.A., Kozhemyakin V.G.
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU.
11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Owing to their unique properties (mechanical, electric, magnetic, etc.) the rapidly-hardened materials find application
in many branches of industry. One of the promising methods of producing these materials is the dispersion from melt
during induction melting in a sectional mould. One of the peculiarities of this method is the formation of an oxide film
on the surface of molten metal, which can prevent the normal running of the process. The problem of occurrence of
oxide films on the metal pool surface during induction melting in a sectional mould was investigated. The refractory
films are especially often used in dispersion of alloys, containing highly-active metals. In the work the methods of
elimination of oxide films are analyzed: hydrogen recovery, recovery using more active metals, dissolution of film in
the fusible slag, etc. The method was selected on the example of magnetic hard alloy UND 8, which includes the active
components. It was suggested to apply the slag for leveling the negative effect of oxide films on the surface of alloy
UND 8. For the further application the salt slags were recommended, having no oxygen in their composition. The process
of dissolution of oxide films in applying lithium–potassium–fluoric slag was analyzed. Ref.11, Tables 4, Figures 2.
dispersion from melt; magnetic alloys; slag; flakes; induction melting in a sectional mould; rapidly-hardened metals
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