2019 №03 (08) DOI of Article
2019 №03 (02)

Electrometallurgy Today 2019 #03
Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2019, #3, 3-9 pages

Journal Современная электрометаллургия
Publisher International Association «Welding»
ISSN 2415-8445 (print)
Issue № 3, 2019 (September)
Pages 3-9

Physical modeling of ingot crystallization in the mold under the conditions of electroslag heating and topping

I.V. Protokovilov, V.B. Porokhonko, F.K. Biktagirov, R.Yu. Kachan, A.V. Gnatushenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

Physical models were developed for studying the processes of ingot crystallization in the mould. The models are tanks, simulating the longitudinal section of flat and forging ingots. Sodium thiosulphate was used as model liquid, which solidifies by the dendrite mechanism and preserves optical transparency right up to complete solidification that allowed visualization of the main processes of formation of the crystalline structure of the ingot. It is shown that structural zones of model ingots correspond to structural zones of commercial steel ingots that allows us asserting the qualitative correspondence of the physical model to the natural process. The effect of electroslag heating and topping on the features of crystallization of model ingots was studied. It is found that electroslag heating and topping allow completely eliminating axial porosity and shrinkage cavity in the ingot head part. The developed models can be an effective tool to study the physical methods of influencing the processes of crystallization of large steel ingots. Ref. 15, Tabl. 1, Fig. 7.
Key words: steel ingot; physical modeling; crystallization; electroslag heating; electroslag topping
Received: 06.06.19
Published: 03.10.19


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