2019 №03 (02) DOI of Article
2019 №03 (04)

Electrometallurgy Today 2019 #03
Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2019, #3, 15-22 pages

Journal Современная электрометаллургия
Publisher International Association «Welding»
ISSN 2415-8445 (print)
Issue № 3, 2019 (September)
Pages 15-22

Laboratory electron beam unit UE-208M

S.V. Akhonin1, A.N. Pikulin1, V.A. Berezos1, D.V. Kovalchuk2, S.B. Tugai2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2PSJC «NVO «Chervona Khvilyia». 15 Kazimir Malevich str., Kyiv, 03680, Е-mail: master@chervonahvilya.com

Laboratory electron beam unit UE-208M was developed, which is fitted with gas-discharge electron guns VTR-300 designed by PJSC «NVO «Chervona Khvilya». In order to produce a block of electron beam heaters UE-208M appropriate technical documentation was developed, components and assemblies of electron beam heater plate, ensuring mechanization and automation of its movement, as well as automated self-contained system of cooling of the electron beam heaters, were manufacture and mounted. Work has been performed on producing ingots of a nickel-based alloy of Ni–Al–Cr system with increased content of alloying elements with a high pressure of Al and Cr vapours. It is found that melting in the developed laboratory electron beam unit UE-208M was performed in a stationary mode, and no significant deviations provoked by intensive vapour flow from the liquid metal mirror at operation of gas-discharge electron guns were found. It is shown that application of gas-discharge electron guns VTR-300 of PJSC «Chervona Khvilya» design as a concentrated energy source, allows performing work on development and optimization of new electron beam technologies of melting refractory and highly-reactive metals, as well as alloys with a high content of volatile alloying elements, while ensuring the high operational reliability. Ref. 10, Tabl. 2, Fig. 8.
Key words: electron beam melting; electron beam unit; electron gun; technological fixture; ingot; alloy; alloying elements; impurities
Received: 11.03.19
Published: 03.10.19


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