?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №06
2015 №06 (09) DOI of Article
2015 №06 (11)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 44-46 pages  

Optimization of modes of submerged arc surfacing over the layer of alloying charge of caterpillar machine running gear parts

V.V. Peremitko And D.G. Nosov

Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University. 2 Dneprostroevskaya Str., 51918, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine. E-mail: science@dstu.dp.ua
The optimization of modes of submerged arc surfacing with application of external magnetic field over the layer of alloying charge of caterpillar machine running gear parts was carried out. The influence of external axial magnetic field parameters and powders of silicon carbide SiC and aerosil SiO2, introduced with the charge, on hardness and microhardness of the deposited metal was studied. During experiments the concentration of silicon compounds in alloying charge, number of deposited layers, deviation in the arrangement of the latter relatively to the arc axis as well as induction of the external magnetic field were changed. The regression dependence of hardness on surfacing mode parameters for two types of charge is presented. The software complex was designed intended to determine the parameters of arc surfacing mode according to the proposed scheme to provide the maximum effect of using external influences. 11 Ref., 1 Table, 3 Figures.
Keywords: arc surfacing, alloying charge, external magnetic field, powders SiC and SiO2, regression dependences, designing of surfacing technology
Received:                10.04.15
Published:               28.07.15
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Suggested Citation

V.V. Peremitko And D.G. Nosov (2015) Optimization of modes of submerged arc surfacing over the layer of alloying charge of caterpillar machine running gear parts. The Paton Welding J., 06, 44-46.