"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #4, 2023, pp. 21-27
Analysis of causes of failure of site welded butt joints of main pipelines after long-term operation
L.I. Nyrkova, L.V. Goncharenko
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
In the work on the examples of failure of four pipelines, the authors considered and analyzed the causes of failure of circumferential
welded butt joints of main gas pipelines with a long-term service life with a diameter of 530…1420 mm from low-alloy
ferritic-perlitic steels of grades 17G1S, 17GS and 15GSTYu, constructed back at the end of the twentieth century. Technical
experts assume that, as a rule, accidents are associated with the failure of circumferential butt welded joints produced during
assembly. Literature sources give quite limited reliable information about the causes of defects formation that lead to the failure
of site welded joints. The authors show that even having provided satisfactory mechanical properties of steels and at the absence
of deviations in the chemical composition of welded joints, depressurization of pipelines occurred due to weakening of the weld
as a result of defects formation during operation or during construction and assembly works. The defects include pores, lacks of
fusion, lacks of penetration, displacement of edges, use of backup elements, etc. that have not been detected by non-destructive
testing methods. The obtained results made it possible to adjust a set of technological recommendations on the requirements
and rules for performing assembly and welding works during the construction and repair of main pipelines in Ukraine over the
last 20 years. 10 Ref., 2 Tabl., 7 Fig.
Keywords: main gas pipelines, circumferential butt welds, welded joints, failure, technological defects, assembly and welding
works, violations
Received: 06.04.2023
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