2017 №01 (07) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (09)

Automatic Welding 2017 #01
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #1, 2017, pp. 55-59

Production of welding consumables by enterprises of corporation «Plazmatek»

V.P. Slobodyanyuk

PJSC «PlazmaTek» 18 Maksimovich Str., 21036, Vinnitsa, Ukraine. E-mail: info@plasmatec.com.ua
Information about PJSC «PlazmaTek», the leading manufacturer of welding consumables in Ukraine and CIS, history and plans of development, products being manufactured, as well as some peculiarities of the technology of their manufacture is described.
Keywords: arc welding, welding consumables, coated electrodes, production of welding consumables
Received:                16.02.17
Published:               16.12.16
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  2. Slobodyanyuk, V.P., Skorina, N.V. (2011) Manufacture of electrodes PJSC PlasmaTek. Svarshchik, 6, 18–25.
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  4. Slobodyanyuk, V.P., Skorina, N.V. (2013) Technological properties of new raw material for manufacture of welding electrodes. In: of 7th Int. Conf. on Welding Consumables of CIS Countries: Welding Consumables. Development. Technology. Manufacture. Quality. Competitiveness (Krasnodar, 17–21 June, 2013). Krasnodar, 2013, 148–155.