2017 №11 (04) DOI of Article
2017 №11 (01)

Automatic Welding 2017 #11
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #11, 2017, pp. 40-46

State-of-the-art of welding equipment and consumables market in Ukraine

A.A. Mazur, V.N. Lipodaev, S.V. Pustovojt and V.S. Petruk

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03150, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Welding as a main technology of materials joining is an integral part of commercial sector of economy, integrated into production process of the basic branches of industry. The paper presents systematic economical-statistical information on state and evolution of market of welding equipment and consumables in Ukraine, indices of volumes of their production and export-import operations. Production capacities of enterprises-manufacturers allow both the satisfying of domestic market demand, as well as delivery products to the foreign market. 9 Ref., 11 Figures.
Keywords: welding production, equipment, consumables, technologies, market, state-of-the-art, perspectives
Received:                05.10.17
Published:               06.12.17
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