2019 №11 (06) DOI of Article
2019 №11 (08)

Automatic Welding 2019 #11
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #11, 2019, pp.46-51

Pecularities of electron beam welding of hot-rolled aluminum-lithium alloys

D. Drimal, M. Kasencak, F. Kolenic, A. Kramarcik, L. Kovac

PRVA ZVARACSKA a. s. Kopcianska 14, 85101, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. E-mail: drimal.daniel@pzvar.sk
This paper presents results of experiments on electron beam welding of Al–Li alloys. The wrought AW 2099 alloy was used as experimental material. AW 2099 alloy in T83 condition of thickness 25 mm was used. The microstructure of experimental alloy was degraded by annealing and deformation before welding. The original thickness 25 mm was reduced to 3 mm by hot rolling without any subsequent additional heat treatment. The full penetration butt-welds and T-joint configurations were made by electron beam. These welded joints underwent investigation of basic mechanical testing (tensile strength, bending, hardness) and metallographic inspection for internal defects and microstructure identification. Welded joints didn’t have significant internal defects, but tensile strength and plastic properties were deteriorated significantly by welding process and previous deformation. The heat treatment was performed for improvement of mechanical and plastic properties. The heat treatment mode consists of solution treatment (annealing) followed by quenching and subsequent aging cycles. 5 Ref., 5 Tabl., 8 Fig.
Keywords: aluminum-lithium alloys, electron beam welding, macrostructure of weld, tensile strength test

Received 18.10.20
Published: 20.11.2019


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