2021 №09 (03) DOI of Article
2021 №09 (05)

Automatic Welding 2021 #09
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #9, 2021, pp. 24-30

Influence of deformations from static loads on impact and fracture toughness of cylindrical shells

V.P. Dyadin, Ye.O. Davydov, R.I. Dmytrienko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150 Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

The work studies the effect of accumulation of plastic deformation in the base metal of the pipeline from the action of inner pressure on the change of impact toughness of the Charpy specimens made in the longitudinal and circumferential directions. The studies in this direction are carried out on the specimen made from LSAW pipe of 630 × 8 from 17G1S steel. The obtained test results allow correcting the requirements to the specific work of impact specimens taking into account its possible reduction depending on the predicted plastic deformation of the structural element and anisotropic properties of the material. 17 Ref., 4 Tabl., 10 Fig.
Keywords: plastic deformation, aging, impact toughness, heat-affected-zone, brittle-tough transition temperature, fracture toughness characteristics

Received: 25.06.2021


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