"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #9, 2021, pp. 55-60
Use of capacitive energy storages to create highly-efficient multistation welding systems
O.Ye. Korotynsky, M.I. Skopyuk
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150 Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
The analysis of structures of multi-station sources for arc welding, designed on the base of capacitive energy storages, was
carried out. Their prospects for creation of highly-efficient welding and technological systems are shown. The structures of
centralized power supply systems of welding stations are considered, in which one powerful electric energy capacitor is used.
A decentralized power supply system is more flexible, when the own electric energy capacitor is installed at each workplace. Its
advantage consists in the fact that a standard rectifier of type VDGM can be used. For shipbuilding, a combined power supply
system can be used, which implements the positive qualities of both power supply systems and provides a high quality and
power efficiency of the welding process. As an example of the use of multi-station power sources, a scheme is given, which is
based on the method of charge transfer. 13 Ref., 6 Fig.
Keywords: pulse-arc welding, capacitive energy storage, capacitor with double electric layer, charge transfer method, multistation
welding systems, step-down converter
Received: 13.07.2021
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