2021 №11 (03) DOI of Article
2021 №11 (05)

Automatic Welding 2021 #11
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #11, 2021, pp. 21-27

Application of SLM-technology for manufacture of dental implants from Ti – 6Al – 4V alloy

S.V. Adjamskiy1, G.A. Kononenko2, R.V. Podolskyі2

1LLC «Additive Laser Technology of Ukraine». 49000, Dnipro, Str. Rybinska, 144. E-mail: info@alt-print.com
2Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy. Z.I. Nekrasova National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.49000, Dnipro, Sq. Academician Starodubov, 1. E-mail: office.isi@nas.gov.ua

Nowadays, SLM-technology has found application in various fields, including dental. The manufacture of dental implants by SLM has significant advantages. The aim of the work was the development and manufacture of equipment, practicing printing modes on SLM technology and electrochemical polishing of dental implants with Ti-6Al-4V. The titanium Ti – 6Al – 4V alloy of the chemical composition, wt. %: 6.21 Al; 4.03 V; 0.04 Fe; 0.1 C; 0.7 O; 0.02 N; Ti – base. The source material was examined using a scanning electron microscope REM-106 and microstructure was examined by CarlZeiss AxioVert 200M mat. The weight control was performed by the analytical scales ADV-2000. Electrochemical polishing was performed in a solution of hydrofluoric acid (HF), nitric acid (HNO3) with glycerol (C3H8O3). The ultra-compact 3D printer Alfa-150D with a working field size of 150 × 150 × 180 mm was designed and manufactured. The printer is equipped with a high-precision ytterbium laser with air cooling of 200 W power. The positioning accuracy of the laser beam is 0.15 μm. The thickness of the working layer is 20…100 μm. The samples of implants from Ti – 6Al – 4V were made according to experimental technological modes: constant laser power – 195 W, laser beam scanning speed – 1000…1200 mm/s with a step of 50 mm/s, distance between beam passages – 0.09…0.12 mm with a step of 0.01 mm at a constant scanning speed. The set modes: laser power is 195 W, scanning speed is 1000 mm/s and distance between tracks is 0.12 mm provide the density of metal samples of more than 99.99%. On the implants manufactured according to the recommended modes, the effect of current strength (0.5…2.5 A), voltage (12…20 V) and duration (3…6 min) on mass loss during electrochemical polishing was investigated. Rational modes of post-treatment were established with the use of visual analysis. Rational modes (current 2 A, voltage 17 V) of electrochemical polishing of dental implants for reduction of roughness and during maintenance of accuracy of geometry in the field of a carving are established. The dependence of weight loss of dental implants during electrochemical polishing depending on the duration of treatment was established. 18 Ref., 4 Tabl., 7 Fig.
Keywords: selective laser melting, titanium alloy, dental implant, equipment development

Received: 17.09.2021


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