"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #11, 2022, pp. 45-51
Control of energy parameters of plasma flows of N–O–C–H system
V.M. Pashchenko
NTUU «Igor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». 37 Peremohi Ave., 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail: vn.paschenko@ukr.net
The methods to control the plasma flow parameters by changing the geometrical dimensions of the arc channel and superposition
of external magnetic fields are discussed. The possibility of increasing the temperature level in the entire volume of plasma flow
of N–O–C–H system in the case of increasing the diameter of nozzle opening of the arc channel and compensating the speed
losses without deterioration of temperature characteristics due to a simultaneous increase of plasma-forming mixture flow rate
is shown. The effectiveness of application of external transverse magnetic fields for harmonizing the relative position of separate
phases of the heterogeneous flow at thermal deposition of the coating was proved. It is shown that transverse field application
shifts the spatial position of the high-temperature zone of the plasma flow by 1…12° relative to arc channel axis. Under the
condition of radial feed of the initial material, when the channels of mass transfer of the gas and condensed phases of the twophase
flow do not coincide, it allows increasing the volume of spray-deposited material by 1.5…1.7 times, due to penetration
of the greater part of the initial material into the active zone of the flow. Dependence of energy parameters of plasma generator
and dimensions of the high-temperature gas jet on the frequency of rotation of the external rotating magnetic field and current
in electromagnet windings was studied. It was established that optimization of the rotating field parameters allows significantly
(up to 20 %) raising the arc voltage parameters and increasing the volume of the high-temperature zone by 25…30 % with
simultaneous equalizing of the parameters over the plasma flow cross-section. 8 Ref., 8 Fig.
Keywords: plasma generator, arc channel, plasma-forming mixture of air with hydrocarbon gas, temperature and speed profiles
of the flow, active zone dimensions, external transverse magnetic field, angle of flow deviation, external rotating magnetic field
Received: 26.09.2022
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