2023 №01 (02) DOI of Article
2023 №01 (04)

Automatic Welding 2023 #01
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #1, 2023, pp. 16-21

Use of welding additive technologies in manufacture of metal parts of a complex shape (Review)

A.S. Novodranov, D.D. Topchev, A.M. Mangold, E.V. Shapovalov, V.O. Kolyada

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

Additive technologies are the generalized name of technologies that associate the manufacture of parts according to the data of a digital model by the method of layer-by-layer adding of material. For the modern industry, additive manufacturing of metal parts of a complex shape is becoming increasingly relevant. The analysis of electric arc, laser and electron beam methods for realization of welding additive technologies as well as evaluation of the prospects and rationality of their use as compared to the alternative mechanical method of manufacturing of metal products was carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of each method as well as areas and features of application were determined. Examples of introduction of these methods in manufacture as well as their use in the composition of complex welding systems are presented. Despite a relatively low energy efficiency of laser additive technologies, they are featured by the highest accuracy of parts manufacturing. Electric arc methods for realization of additive technologies, on the contrary, have the highest energy efficiency, but manufactured parts require additional machining due to a relatively low manufacturing accuracy. A significant prospect in using the plasma-arc method of surfacing for manufacture of metal parts was noted due to a low heat capacity, high efficiency and a large range of consumables. The problems and features of surfacing of multilayered parts were considered. The prospects of using robotic complexes for solving the problems of automation of the processes of additive manufacturing of parts using WAAM technology were determined. The robotic complex on the basis of welding anthropomorphic robot in combination with external axes provides a significant increase in efficiency and flexibility of additive manufacturing, and additional equipment of the complex with the system of technical vision allows increasing the accuracy of WAAM of parts manufacturing. 29 Ref., 8 Fig.
Keywords: welding technologies, additive technologies, metal products, three-dimensional printing, electric arc surfacing, robotic equipment

Received: 24.10.2022


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