2023 №11 (05) DOI of Article
2023 №11 (07)

Automatic Welding 2023 #11
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #11, 2023, pp. 59-63

Influence of blowing and loading of working space on mechanical properties of samples manufactured using SLM technology

S.V. Adzhamskyi2, G.A. Kononenko3, R.V. Podolskyi3, S.I. Badyuk1

1LLC «Additive Laser Technology of Ukraine». 49000, Serhiy Podolynskyi, 31 v str., Dnipro, E-mail: info@alt-print.com
2Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of the NAS of Ukraine, 49000, Pysarzhevsky 5 str., Dnipro E-mail: itst@westa-inter.com
3Z.I. Nekrasov Iron and Steel Institute. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 1 Academician Starodubov Sq., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine. E-mail: office.isi@nas.gov.ua

At present for selective laser melting (SLM, Selective Laser Melting (SLM)), studying the influence of the characteristics of blowing and loading of the working space on mechanical properties of titanium Ti6Al4V alloy is an urgent task. In the work, tensile samples were studied, for which as a result of different loading of the building space, there was a pause of different duration between the application of powder and return of the laser beam. Based on the analysis of the values of mechanical properties, it was found that characteristics of strength of test samples in the area of the inlet nozzle of inert gas blowing have a value lower by 3...5% compared to the central area of the platform with a range of values of ± 2%, in the area of the outlet nozzle, the value is lower by 3...5% compared to the central area, a range of values is ± 10%. It was found that an increase in the pause from 50 to 65 s leads to a decrease in strength and ductility characteristics by 23 and 10%, up to 80 s by 33 and 0.7%, respectively. Ref. 16, Tabl. 1, Fig. 6.
Keywords: selective laser melting, blowing, loading of the working space, Ti6Al4V alloy, mechanical properties

Received: 23.10.2023


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