Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2019, #2, 35-42 pages
Journal Современная электрометаллургия
Publisher International Association «Welding»
ISSN 2415-8445 (print)
Issue № 2, 2019 (June)
Pages 35-42
Modern technologies of melting and casting of steel EA1N for production of railway axles
A.I. Panchenko1, S.G. Kijko1, M.I. Gasik2, A.S. Salnikov1, G.V. Levchenko3, A.P. Gorobets2, Yu.S. Projdak2, Yu.V. Klimchuk4
1 «Electrical Works «Dneprospetsstal».
Yuzhnoe shosse 81, 69008, Zaporozhye, Ukraine. E-mail: info@dss.com
2 National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.
4 Gagarin Ave., 49005, Dniepr, Ukraine. E-mail: technosplav@ua.fm
3Z.I. Nekrasov Iron & Steel Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
1 Academician Starodubov Square, 49050, Dniepr, Ukraine. E-mail: office.isi@nasgovua
4LCC «MZ Dneprospetsstal».
21 Stoletov Str., 49081, Dniepr, Ukraine. E-mail: office@interpipe.dp.ua
Problems of improving the technologies of production and quality of axle steel EAIN in appliance with requirements of the Interstate standard GOST 31334–2007, harmonized with provisions of European standards EN 13260 and EN 13261 were generalized for manufacture of axles of traction and trailer cars Peculiarities of end-to-end technological charts of production at the Ukrainian enterprises of roughing axles in a normalized state, methods of steel melting, parameters of metal treatment in furnace-ladle installation (FLI) with vacuum treatment and without it, metal casting into moulds and machines in continuous casting of billets (MCCB) are described. The flow charts of manufacture of railway axles of electric steel (ingots, round billets of MCCB), blooms of oxygen-converter steel were analyzed. Characterized are the discontinuities of structure of initial billets, results of UST of central porosity of initial billets and methods of its elimination in the process of deformational processing in forging and rolling of axial billets, program directions of improving the quality of railway axles up to the level, providing their service under the load of 27…30 t. Ref. 14, Tabl. 6, Fig. 1.
Key words: railway axles; electric steel; standard; melting technology; ladle treatment; casting; ingots; billet of continuous casting; blooms; deformational processing; heat treatment
Received: 31.07.19
Published: 13.06.19
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