2020 №01 (03) DOI of Article
2020 №01 (05)

Electrometallurgy Today 2020 #01
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2020, #1, 32-38 pages

Corrosion and erosion resistance of copper and molybdenum composite materials condensed from the vapour phase

I.M. Grechanyuk1, V.G. Grechanyuk2

1SPC «ELTECHMASH». 25 Vatutina Str., 21011, Vynnitsa, Ukraine. E-Mail: vin25ebt@ukr.net
2Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. 31 Povitroflosky Ave., 03037, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-Mail: knuba@knuba.edu.ua

The corrosion and erosion resistance of copper and molybdenum-based composite materials used as contact materials are considered in the paper. It is found that zirconium and yttrium (material MDK-3: Cu–(10…12 %) Mo–(0.2 %) Zr, Y) when introduced into the Cu–Mo system, increase the corrosion resistance by 20 % and the deep corrosion index decreases to 0.02 g/(m2·year). It is shown that the dependence of contact temperature change on the contact resistance is linear, the higher the contact resistance, the more intensively the contact temperature increases. The dependence of contact resistance of contacts made of materials MDK-3 and Ag–CdO on the number of switching cycles is established. The characteristics of contacts made of silver-containing materials and contact materials from MDK-3 were compared, and the advantages of the latter were shown. Ref. 9, Tabl. 1, Fig. 8.
Keywords: composite materials; corrosion resistance; contact resistance; contact materials, dispersion-strengthened materials

Received 14.12.2019


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