"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2020, #4, 7-15 pages
Structure and properties of structural sparsely-doped titanium-based alloys produced by EBM
S.V. Akhonin, V.Yu. Bilous, V.O. Berezos, I.K. Petrichenko, R.V. Selin, A.Yu. Severin, O.M. Pikulin
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Work on melting ingots of pseudo-β-alloy Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe and pseudo-α-alloy Ti–1.5Fe–0.4O was performed.
Electron beam unit UE208M with a cold-hearth and portioned feed of liquid metal was used to produce ingots of
a round cross-section of 110 mm diameter, which were deformed to 6 mm thickness. The structures of the rolled
plates were studied. Metal structure of sparsely-doped alloy of Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe system consisted from equiaxed
polyhedral β-grains, with dispersed particles of α-phase located in their volume, here the amount of β-phase can vary
within 50…82 %, while the structure of pseudo-α-alloy Ti–1.5Fe–0.4O consisted of platelike α-phase, with β-phase
located in the spaces between the plates. Dispersed particles of titanium-iron intermetallics of less than 1 μm size were
observed in the structure of both the alloys. Precipitation of iron-based titanium intermetallics can be the cause for low
values of ductility and brittle fracture of metal of sparsely-doped pseudo-β-alloy Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe. Strength of
alloy Ti–1.5Fe–0.4O is as-rolled condition was on the level of 730 MPa. Strength of sparsely-doped alloy of Ti–2.8Al–
5.1Mo–4.9Fe system in as-rolled condition was on the level of 1015 MPa, while the values of impact toughness KCV
and relative elongation were equal to 3…4 J/cm2 and 1.9 %, respectively. Ref. 17, Tabl. 4, Fig. 9.
Keywords: sparsely-doped titanium alloys, electron beam melting; ingot; chemical composition; deformation; semifinished
products; structure; mechanical properties
Received 29.09.2020
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