"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2021, #2, 26-31 pages
Chemical equilibrium IN Fe–O–H system at high temperatures
M.M. Gasik1, M.I. Gasik2
1Aalto University. 00076, Aalto, Espoo, Finland. E-mail: michael.gasik@aalto.fi
2National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. 4 Gagarin Prosp., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine
The issue of thermodynamic equilibrium in Fe–O–H system at the temperatures of steel-melting processes (1600 °С)
was considered. The historical data array, features of experiments on obtaining them and their drawbacks were
analyzed. A new more correct calculation of hydrogen and oxygen concentration in liquid iron and in the gas phase was
performed. New coeffi cients of activity were calculated, proceeding from precise thermodynamic principles, unlike the
earlier used artifi cial models based on interaction parameters. Ref. 19, Fig. 6.
Keywords: thermodynamics; iron; hydrogen; oxygen; solutions; activity; equilibrium
Received 26.04.2021
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