2018 №09 (01) DOI of Article
2018 №09 (03)

Automatic Welding 2018 #09
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #9, 2018, pp. 9-16

Effect of the modes of pulsed-arc welding on the parameters of weld and HAZ metal of welded joints made with Sv-08Kh20N9G7T wire

V.D. Poznyakov, A. V. Zavdoveev, A. A. Gayvoronsky, A. M. Denisenko, A. A. Maksymenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:office@paton.kiev.ua

Pulsed arc welding is characterized with periodically varying arc power and due to its peculiarities allows solving complex technological issues in development of unique structures, rising efficiency of welding processes, deposit corrosion-resistant alloys on steel. Up to the moment there are a great number of producers of welding equipment introducing in their production the ideas of application of pulsed welding. However, data on effect of pulsed arc welding on the welding thermal cycles have odd nature and, therefore, it is difficult to carry out comparison between the thermal cycles typical for stationary and pulsed arc welding. In welding of high-carbon steels there is a problem of reduction of weld metal stirring with a base metal and due to this increase of welded joint cold crack resistance. Successful application of pulsed arc welding for solution of the problems mentioned above provoked a need in the comparative investigations of effect of modes of pulsed arc welding on parameters of the welds, HAZ and welding thermal cycles in comparison with stationary arc welding produced with high-alloy welding consumables. This was the main aim of the investigations, the results of which are given in this paper. Ref. 31, Fig. 8.
Keywords: pulsed arc welding, welding with pulsating arc, welding thermal cycle, heat affected zone, high-alloy welding consumables

Received: 05.07.2018
Published: 20.09.2018

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