2019 №09 (05) DOI of Article
2019 №09 (07)

Automatic Welding 2019 #09
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #9, 2019, pp. 45-51

Economic and statistical review of the world and regional markets of welding materials

A.A. Mazur, O.K. Makovetskaya, S.V. Pustovojt, V.S. Petruk

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

Electric arc welding is one of the basic technologies of the industrial economy, with the help of which a significant share of the GDP in industrialized countries is created. In such countries, one can observe a steady development of welding production – an increase in the consumption of structural materials, appearance of new materials, technologies and equipment for welding at the market. The main structural material for the manufacture of welded structures is steel (its share is over 90%). The state-of-the-art of the steel and alloys industry largely determines the dynamics of the development of welding production. The article presents economic and statistical information on the development of world production and consumption of steel, dynamics of the world market of welding materials, analysis of which allows making the conclusion about the increase in the volume of welding production in the world in the foreseeable future and the growth of demand for welding materials. The growth in consumption of welding materials in the world is largely determined by the rate of development of welding production in China, which is far ahead of other countries and regions in this regard. The development of welding production leads to a gradual reduction in the share of manual arc welding and a wider use of semi-automatic and automatic welding, the level of mechanization and automation of arc welding is constantly increasing both in separate countries, as well as in the world as a whole. 8 Ref., 5 Tabl., 8 Fig.
Keywords: welding, welding production, structural and welding materials, technologies, steel production, market, state-of-the-art, prospects

Received: 04.07.2019


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