"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #5, 2020, pp. 53-60
Additive technologies of polymeric materials (Review)
O.P. Masyuchok, M.V. Yurzhenko, R.V. Kolisnyk, M.G. Korab
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NAS of Ukraine, 11 Kazymyr Malevich Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
The paper gives the analysis of the state of the art of 3D technologies of polymeric materials, which is based on publications
presented both in open sources as well as in a wide range of scientifi c and technical journals, including the own experience of
the authors in 3D printing using thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. The history of additive technologies, state of the
art and trends of the development of the market of three-dimensional printing are considered. The classifi cation of the most
widespread in the world technologies of additive manufacturing of products from polymeric materials depending on the methods
of processing plastics is off ered, their short description is given, their features, advantages and disadvantages are presented.
27 Ref., 1 Tabl., 6 Fig.
Keywords: additive technologies, 3D-printing, polymeric materials
Received: 04.05.2020
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