"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #9, 2020, pp. 54-60
Processes occurring at excitation of the welding arc (Review)
N.M. Makhlin
SC «REC WCPE of the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine».
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: electro@paton.kiev.ua
In view of the absence so far of a complete theory of the process of welding arc excitation, which could provide a convincing
explanation of the entire totality of the known facts, some important theoretical and experimental data of different authors are
considered as regards the processes of primary excitation of the welding arc in arc and plasma welding which is important
for designing electronic boosting devices, which generate pulses of high and higher voltage that are injected into the interelectrode
gap to ensure contactless primary and repeated excitations of the welding arc. Requirements to pulse parameters that
are generated by these devices are given, which are obtained on the base of many investigations (including theoretical studies),
experience of development and application of booster devices. Analytical expressions are proposed to create the theory of the
process of d.c. welding arc excitation. 15 Ref.
Keywords: welding arc excitation at arc and plasma welding, glowing, spark and arc discharges, primary ignition voltage,
repeated excitations of a.c. arc, combined devices - exciters-stabilizers, energy, amplitude, pulse duration
Received: 10.08.2020
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