2021 №06 (02) DOI of Article
2021 №06 (04)

Automatic Welding 2021 #06
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #6, 2021, pp. 21-28

Modeling the effect of electromagnetic field on the structure

S.Yu. Maksymov, O.M. Berdnikova, O.O. Prilipko, T.O. Alekseenko, E.V. Polovetsky, A.A. Radzievskaya

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150 Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

The developed computer application Proj5.exe implements the idea of a sequential calculation of values, where the value of welding current/voltage and current/voltage in the inductor of external electromagnetic infl uence is selected by the researcher. This allows increasing the effi ciency of research works with a minimum number of underwater experiments. Using the obtained parameters of the external electromagnetic fi eld, underwater deposits were performed on a plate of low-alloy steel 09G2S using PPS-AN1 fl ux-cored wire. The studies showed that the use of external electromagnetic eff ect facilitates the refi nement of the grain structure of the deposited metal and reduction in the share of non-metallic inclusions at their noticeable dispersion. In addition, in the metal of the heat-aff ected-zone, the parameters of a package structure of bainite decrease and a more uniform level of microhardness during refi nement of the substructure is observed. The external electromagnetic fi eld signifi cantly aff ects the dislocation structure of the metal, contributes to its uniform and gradient-free distribution, which causes a uniform level of dislocation hardening in the local volumes of the structure and a decrease in the level of local inner stresses. 11 Ref., 7 Fig.
Keywords: underwater welding, welded joints, low-alloy steel, external electromagnetic influence, microstructure, microhardness, lower and upper bainite, dislocations, local inner stresses

Received: 14.04.2021


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