"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #4, 2022, pp. 8-13
Features of the structure and properties of metal layers deposited with pre-application of titanium and boron carbides
V.V. Peremitko, I.V. Kolomoyets, V.I. Sukhomlyn
Dnipro State Technical University. 2 Dniprobudivska Str., 51900, Kamianske, Ukraine. E-mail: vperemitko1965@gmail.com
Unevenness of wearing of working surfaces of parts, operating under friction, is a common cause for beginning of renovation and
replacement times. One of the methods to avoid this problem is formation of surfaces of a variable composition and properties by
arc surfacing. The work presents comparative analysis of the hardness and structure of the metal, deposited with pre-application
of titanium and boron carbides on the processed surfaces. These materials were selected, proceeding from their impact on the
deposited metal mechanical properties. The hardness, structure and composition of the deposited metal were studied. Hardness
dependence on the heat input and material consumption in individual zones of the bead cross-section was analyzed. Regularities
were established between accumulation in the formed beads of material pre-applied on the processed surface and the significance
of structural transformations. A similar influence of both the carbides on the deposited metal structure was found. Bead metal
hardness is 1.5 times higher at B4C application, than in the case of using TiC. X-Ray spectral microanalysis revealed the
influence of free carbon, formed as a result of compound decomposition, on the structural transformation in the deposited
metal. It was found that the largest accumulations of bainite are characteristic for zones with the highest carbon content. It was
determined that pre-application of carbides, using the most common surfacing materials, allows producing deposited metal,
matching by its properties the metal deposited with PP-Np-152 wire. 15 Ref., 2 Tabl., 7 Fig.
Keywords: arc surfacing, solid wire, fused flux, titanium carbide, boron carbide, pre-application, local fixation, hardness, structure
Received: 18.03.2022
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