"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #4, 2022, pp. 19-25
Fibre laser welding of aluminium alloys OF 7ххх series (Al–Zn–Mg–Cu) by non-through thickness welds
V.M. Korzhyk1, V.Yu. Khaskin1, A.A. Grynyuk2, S.I. Peleshenko3, Yao Yuhui4, S.G. Hryhorenko2, V.O. Shcheretskiy2, O.S. Kushnarova2
1China-Ukraine Institute of Welding, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced
Welding Technology, Guangzhou, 510650, China. E-mail: patonjournal@gwi.gd.cn
2E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
3NTUU «Igor Sikorskiy Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». 37 Peremohi Prosp., 03056, Kyiv. E-mail: imz.paton.kpi@gmail.com
4Shenzhen Hanzhizi Technology Co., Ltd. 6th Floor, Building B, Bantian International Center, 5 Huancheng South Road,
Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, E-mail: 514929948@qq.com
The paper deals with the features of laser welding with incomplete (non-through thickness) penetration of high-strength aluminium
alloys of 7ххх series. It was found that at joining of 1.5 mm sheets by fibre laser welding to the depth of 0.5…0.7 mm
there arises the risk of formation of pores, in particular, in the root zone, streaks of oxide film in the weld lower part, as well as
hot cracks. The latter can be eliminated by reducing the heat input below 25 – 30 J/mm. The weld metal is characterized by an
equiaxed finely dispersed structure with grain size of 10…15 ~m for 7005 alloy and 15…25 ~m for 7075 alloy. In the fusion
zone, the grains are of an elongated shape with 2.5…3.0 coefficient for 7005 alloy and 2…5 for 7075 alloy. In the HAZ the
grain length is reduced, the shape coefficient becomes 3…5 and 3.0…3.5 for 7005 and 7075 alloys, respectively. At performance
of laser welding with small (~5 J/mm) values of the heat input, microhardness of the welds and HAZ is rather uniform, and
close to that of the base metal. For 7075 alloy microhardness drop to 20% was observed in the fusion zone region, that is due
to formation of grains of an elongated shape with shape coefficient of 2…5. The found drawbacks can be eliminated through
reduction of pulsations of the vapour-gas channel with simultaneous increase of the stability of its existence and introduction
of cathode breaking of the oxide film. 11 Ref., 4 Tabl., 8. Fig.
Keywords: aluminium alloys of 7ххх series, laser welding, weld formation, graininess, defects, ways to eliminate
Received: 28.03.2022
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