2024 №06 (06) DOI of Article
2024 №06 (08)

Automatic Welding 2024 #06
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #6, 2024, pp. 43-50

Robotic complex for multilayer surfacing by periodic arc and control of surface defects of the deposited metal

E.V. Shapovalov, A.S. Novodranov, V.M. Vashchenko, O.M. Savytskyi, F.S. Klishchar

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: artur19940731@gmail.com

The paper considers the peculiarities of using a robotic complex based on the anthropomorphic robot Fanuc ARC Mate 100iC/7L for the implementation of multilayer surfacing with a periodic arc. It has been shown that although the inverter welding current source Fronius TPS 320i, according to its technical characteristics, cannot provide a periodic reduction in the arc thermal power to zero at a frequency of 0.2...0.5 Hz, the technological capabilities of the robot, with appropriate programming, are capable of providing a pulsed arc process in the specified frequency range. In addition, the robot, equipped with a machine vision system, allows testing for surface defects during the cooling of the next deposited metal layer. The macrosections and metallographic tests showed the high quality of the deposited metal formation. In the deposited metal, an almost monolithic fine-grained structure (8...10 grain numbers) with high impact strength and ductility at a sufficiently high strength is formed. The above indicates the expediency of using robotic systems for multilayer surfacing and the implementation of 3D technologies using arc welding in shielded gases. 14 Ref., 5 Tabl., 6 Fig.
Keywords: 3D technology, periodic arc, metal structure, machine vision system, robotic complex

Received: 28.06.2024
Received in revised form: 22.07.2024
Accepted: 13.09.2024


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