2024 №06 (07) DOI of Article
2024 №06 (01)

Automatic Welding 2024 #06
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #6, 2024, pp. 51-57

Characteristics of power sources of ESW/ESM installations with phase-pulse regulation of thyristors

Yu.M. Lankin, V.F. Semikin, Ye.M. Bayshtruk, I.Yu. Romanova

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: lankin.y.n@gmail.com

The characteristics of transformer power sources with phase-pulse regulation of thyristor contactors, which provide smooth voltage regulation, are considered. Their main drawback is an unacceptably low power factor. The characteristics and recommended areas of application of two-, three- and four-stage power sources with phase-step regulation, which have a high power factor in a wide range of voltage regulation, are considered. Phase-step regulation systems are very well suited for upgrading the existing power supplies with step regulation, increasing the quality of the manufactured products and the technological capabilities while maintaining high energy characteristics. 5 Ref., 1 Tabl., 5 Fig.
Keywords: electroslag technologies, alternating current power sources, phase-pulse regulation, phase-step regulation, power factor

Received: 15.10.2024
Received in revised form: 13.11.2024
Accepted: 12.12.2024


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