Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2006, №02
- UCHANIN V. N. Eddy current methods of detection of defects in the zone of rivets on multilayer aircraft structures .... 3
- KOVAL P. M., SKALSKII V. R., STASHUKP. M., LOTOTSKII Yu. L., PLAKHTIIR. M. Acoustic-emission examination of technical condition of brides .... 13
- MIKITING. V., KLIMB. P., POCHAPSKIIE. P., DMITRIEVZ. V. Metrological approach to application of the method of acoustic emission for NDT of materials and structures ....20
- GELMAN L. M. Signal diagnostics: comparison of both components of Fourrier transform and spectral power density....26
- GORDELII V. I., CHABANOV V. E. Features of design of EMA transducers operating at inclined angles....30
- SAPRIKIS. O. Instruments and methods of vibrotesting and vibrodiag-nostics of gas-pumping and compressor units of gas-transportation systems of Ukraine ....33
- BEZIMYANNII Yu. G., TALKO O. V. Analysis of the possibilities of acoustic methods to reveal defective contacts in powdered materials ....39
- LUMIROVSKAYA L. I., SOKOLINSKAYA I. G., MYASISHCHEVA A. S., SIMOCHKINA O. T. Non-destructive testing of the quality of heat treatment of chain links by the method of magnetic structuroscopy ....46
- KARPASH M. O., KISIL I. S., KARPASH O. M., MOLODETSKII I. A. Use of an integrated approach to determination of physico-mechanical characteristics of oil-and-gas equipment ....49
- BASOV G. G., MARKOV V. L., KIREEVA. N. Application of ARD-diag-rams in ultrasonic testing of rolled wheel spiders of locomotives in the radial direction ....53
- MESHKOV S. N., OREL R. P., MASLOVA V. A. Termographic examination of hydraulic structures of the Dvieprovskii HPS ....56