Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing #4, 2024, pp. 32-37
Main errors of the ballistic gravimeter
O.M. Bezvesilna, T.O. Tolochko, J.V. Trokhymchuk
National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». 37 Beresteysky Ave., 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail: prilad168t@;
It was established that there is currently no information on the calculation and assessment of the main errors of ballistic laser
gravimeters and recommendations for their reduction. Therefore, the purpose of this work is calculation and analysis of the main
errors of the ballistic laser gravimeter. The test mass during the period of free fall is in interaction with all physical objects of the
universe, which with the help of gravitational and other forces affect the law of motion of the test body. Eliminating the influence
of inertial forces on the results of the gravimeter measurement is currently one of the main difficulties in improving the accuracy
of determining the acceleration of gravity (AG). The path traveled by the test mass is measured relative to the inertial coordinate
system, which is not absolutely inertial. Therefore, kinematic errors can be divided into two groups: those due to the influence of
factors acting on the test body, and those acting on the inertial reference system of the test mass coordinates. The totality of indices
of the specified errors allows determination of the structure of the indices of the ballistic gravimeter accuracy. The problem of
reproducing the units of length and time in absolute gravimetry is mainly reduced to increasing the accuracy and long-term stability
of their reproduction, since it is the errors of these units that are the main obstacle to increased accuracy of AG measurements. It was
established that the accuracy of AG determination depends on the accuracy of measurement of the following quantities: the path
of the test body; the degree of fixation of the inertial system relative to which the path is measured; time; gravitational forces; and
inertial forces. It was determined that measuring the acceleration of gravity more precisely than 10-9 is fundamentally impossible
due to quantum mechanical limitations, as well as fluctuations in length and time measures. 29 Ref., 1 Tabl., 2 Fig.
Keywords: acceleration of gravity, ballistic laser gravimeter, errors, test body
Received: 11.11.2024
Received in revised form:23.11.2024
Accepted: 20.12.2024
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