Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 5
Najda V.L., Mozzhukhin A.A., Getman V.V., Pyshny V.M. and Torop V.M.Integrated approach in technical diagnostics of pipelines in automatic ultrasonic testing of butt welds... 51 (2001, №04)
Najda V.L., Mozzhukhin A.A. and Lobanov O.F.New generation of equipment for automated ultrasonic testing of welded pipes ... 57 (2004, №09)
Mozzhukhin A.A.Design while inventing ... 14 (2007, №03)
Najda V.L., Mozzhukhin A.A., Lobanov O.F., Ignatenko V.A., Olejnik Yu.A., Efimov I.V., Kopylov A.P. and Zakharov A.F.Upgraded equipment for AUST of end sections of pipes 43 (2008, №06)
Mozzhukhin A.A.On theory of solution of invention tasks ... 30 (2008, №08)