Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 6
Kuchuk-Yatsenko S.I., Shvets Yu.V., Dumchev E.A., Shvets V.I., Mikitin Ya.I., Taranenko S.D. and Nikitina N.N.Flash-butt welding of railway frogs with rail ends using an intermediate insert ... 2 (2005, №01)
Kuchuk-Yatsenko S.I., Shvets Yu.V., Kavunichenko A.V., Shvets V.I., Taranenko S.D. and Proshchenko V.A.Influence of the width of stainless steel insert on performance of joints of railway frogs with rail ends ... 2 (2007, №03)
Kuchuk-Yatsenko S.I., Shvets Yu.V., Kavunichenko A.V., Shvets V.I., Taranenko S.D. and Proshchenko V.A.Performance of flash butt welded joints on railway frogs ... 30 (2008, №09)