grabin v.f.

Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 9

  1. Grigorenko G.M., Grabin V.F., Golovko V.V., Kostin V.A., Alekseenko I.I. and Kapitanchuk L.M. Procedure of determination of sizes of ultradispersed non-metallic inclusions in metal of low-alloy steel welds ... 26 (2003, №04)
  2. Ryabtsev I.I., Kuskov Yu.M., Grabin V.F., Gordan G.N., Solomijchuk T.G. and Polotaj V.V. Tribological properties of the Fe-Cr-Si-Mn-P system deposited metal. 16 (2003, №06)
  3. Grabin V.F., Golovko V.V., Solomijchuk T.G., Goncharenko E.I. and Kostin V.A. Analysis of structural state of weld metal produced by using welding wires of the ferritic-pearlitic grade. 17 (2003, №08)
  4. Grigorenko G.M., Golovko V.V., Grabin V.F. and Kostin V.A. Effect of metallurgical characteristics of flux on structure and phase composition of high-strength weld metal. 7 (2004, №03)
  5. Grigorenko G.M., Kostin V.A., Golovko V.V. and Grabin V.F. Effect of chemical inhomogeneity on the formation of acicular ferrite in high-strength weld metal. 2 (2004, №04)
  6. Grabin V.F., Golovko V.V., Kostin V.A. and Alekseenko I.I. Morphological peculiarities of microstructure of weld metal from low-alloy steels with ultralow content of carbon ....15 (2004, №07)
  7. Grigorenko G.M., Golovko V.V., Kostin V.A. and Grabin V.F. Effect of microstructural factors on sensitivity of welds with ultra-low carbon content to brittle fracture ... 2 (2005, №02)
  8. Grabin V.F. and Golovko V.V. Effect of distribution of manganese in structural components on properties of low-alloy weld metal ... 19 (2007, №12)
  9. Golovko V.V. and Grabin V.F. Effect of alloying of high-strength weld metal with titanium on its structure and properties ... 13 (2008, №01)
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Найсвіжіші номери журналів на сайті

Автоматическая сварка №6 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль №4 (2024), Современная электрометаллургия №4 (2024).

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