Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 9
Pokhmursky V.I., Student M.M., Dovgunyk V.M. and Sidorak I.I.Flux-cored wires of FeCrB+AI and FeCr+AI+C systems for electric arc metallizing ... 28 (2002, №03)
Pokhmursky V.I., Student M.M., Sidorak I.I., Ryabtsev I.A. and Kuskov Yu.M.Phase composition of Fe-C-Cr-AI system coatings produced by the method of electric arc metallizing ... 18 (2002, №10)
Pokhmursky V.I., Student M.M., Dovgunyk V.M., Sidorak I.I., Kuskov Yu.M. and Ryabtsev I.I.Structure and tribotechnical characteristics of coatings produced by electric arc metallizing using flux-cored wires. 12 (2003, №08)
Pokhmursky V.I., Student M.M., Ryabtsev I.A., Sidorak I.I., Dzioba Yu.V., Dovgunyk V.M. and Formanek B.Influence of electric arc metallizing modes and compositions of applied flux-cored wires on structure and abrasive wear resistance of coatings 26 (2006, №07)
Pokhmursky V.I., Student M.M., Dovgunyk V.M., Sidorak I.I., Dzioba Yu.V. and Ryabtsev I.A.Initiation and re-distribution of internal stresses in electric arc coatings during their formation ... 11 (2006, №10)