2019 №03 (08) DOI of Article
2019 №03 (02)

Automatic Welding 2019 #03
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #3, 2019, pp. 12-17

Peculiarities of electrode and base metal melting in electroslag welding

I.I. Lychko, K.A. Yushchenko, S.A. Suprun, S.M. Kozulin

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

Results of experimental studies of the connection between the processes proceeding in the electrode wire melting zone and electric parameters of the mode of electroslag welding are described. The experimental procedure envisaged electroslag welding of samples from 09G2S steel 60 mm thick in modes identical to those, used earlier for photographing and filming the welding zone through an optically transparent medium. Hall sensor, ATsP E-140 module and Power Graph software were applied for high-speed recording of electric parameters of the mode (10 thous. records per second). Measurements of slag pool temperature near the electrode wire melting zone were taken simultaneously. Analysis and comparison of visual observations of the welding zone through an optically transparent medium with the characteristics of electroslag welding mode (Uw, Iw, Vw) were performed, confirming the cyclic existence of an energy nugget in the molten slag between the electrode wire and liquid metal, formed under the impact of electric potential between the base and electrode metal. 9 Ref., 4 Fig.
Keywords: electroslag welding, slag pool, interelectrode gap, high-speed recoding of electric parameters of the mode, active zone, energy nugget, plasma-type discharge, melting and transfer of liquid metal, high-speed photographing and filming

Received: 15.11.2018
Published: 20.02.2019

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